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我愛銀時~go go 銀魂 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》  我是屬鑽石命~你屬於什麼命?
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篇名: 男人偷吃的八個理由
作者: ⓗ可ⓖ兒ⓢ 日期: 2009.05.22  天氣:  心情:


8 Reasons He Cheats - 他偷吃的八個理由

By Chelsea Kaplan

Sometimes, when the going gets tough, the tought get it on with someone else. But what really makes men stray? A nagging girlfriend? Bad sex? An escape from loneliness? Yes, yes and yes. Hear why these men slipped away from their girlfriends and landed in someone else's bed. Then — whether you're a guy or a girl — use the info below to sidestep this kind of situation in your love life. 
有些時候, 當事情變得複雜與困難, 會想要與另一個人一起. 但, 到底是什麼讓男人們走偏了呢? 
一個囉嗦的女友? 性愛關係不好? 逃離寂寞? 
是的, 是的, 還是是的.
接著ㄝ不管你是個男生或是女生, 好好的利用這資訊去讓你的戀情改善與保全吧!

Reason #1: For payback (報復)
"I once cheated on my girlfriend after I saw on her cell phone that she had been text-messaging with her ex. They were pretty harmless messages, but it angered me that she had been communicating with him in the first place — I'd always thought they were a little too chummy. That night, I was out with friends and had a lot to drink. I got so worked up about those messages that I pretty much made it my mission to find another girl and hook up with her, which I did. I think it was a payback thing. We eventually broke up, but not because of that incident — I never told her — but more so because we just weren't right for each other. I know it wasn't the best way to handle my anger, but at the time, it sure did feel good."
— Christopher, 29, Oakland, CA 
我層經對我女友出軌, 因為我發現她還跟前男友有聯絡. 我想報復她一下, 找了一個女生發生一夜情.
 最近我和女友還是分手了, 但並不是因為那一次的一夜情,是因為我們真的不和.

Reason #2: The physical attraction just isn't there(妳的身體就是吸引不了他)
"Ever since I can remember, I have always been attracted to women with large chests. My ex-girlfriend was great in a lot of ways, but she was completely flat-chested, which did absolutely nothing to make me sexually attracted to her. I tried to look past it, but it was hard. About two months into our relationship, I was out with a bunch of friends at a sports bar, and our incredibly hot and ample-chested waitress was really hitting on me. She gave me her number and asked me if I wanted me to meet her after her shift was over. I agreed, and ended up sleeping with her. It was just a one night thing, but it helped me realize I needed to end things with my girlfriend, because I had to be with someone I was madly attracted to."
— Dave, 26, Roanoke, VA 
在我有記憶以來, 我就是被大胸部的女人吸引著. 雖然我的前女友真的很優, 但他就是平胸.
我真的沒法被她的身體吸引.  我試過不要去在意, 也努力過去維持我們的關係達兩個月. 
我常跟朋友在酒吧泡著, 當那些胸部壯觀的女服務生跟我示好時, 有一晚我失守了.
雖然那只是一夜情, 但它讓我了解到, 女友的身材是否吸引我是很重要的, 所以我跟女友分手了.

Reason #3: She just isn't there(她總不在身邊)
"I cheated on my ex at a time when she was traveling so much that I never saw her. It was almost as if I didn't have a girlfriend. I got so lonely — especially on the weekend nights, and I missed that companionship, both physically and emotionally. When she was gone, I began seeing someone else while I was still technically seeing my ex. I ended up telling my ex and she broke it off with me. In the end, I think things ended for the better, even though the steps I took to make it happen weren't very honorable. I now make sure that whoever I choose to date doesn't have a job that requires big-time traveling."
— Scott, 30, Jessup, MD 
我背叛了我的前女友因為她當時常常在旅行, 我幾乎沒什麼機會見到她與她相處。 
整個就像我根本沒有女友一樣!  我時候是太孤獨了, 最後我受不了寂寞的煎熬,與其他女性開始了交往.
最後我跟我前女友坦白也交代清楚, 她最終選擇了跟我分手. 
雖然我所做的方式不太光彩, 但我相信那是對我們最好的.

Reason #4: He thinks he's missing out (他覺得他錯過了許多事)
"I had dated Melanie all through college ever since we met at orientation. After we graduated, I moved to New York and she moved to Chicago, but we decided we'd stay together. I spent nearly every weekend traveling to see her, but during the week, I'd go out with my friends in New York and have a blast. After a few months of that drill, I knew staying true to her would be tough; going out in the city made me realize how many smart, beautiful women are out there, and never having been with anyone other than Melanie made me feel like I was missing out on a lot of fun. One night I hooked up with another girl, which finally made me realize I had to end things with Melanie. I told her what happened, and, as it turned out, she had done the same thing a few times. While we were both hurt, we realized we needed to take some time off. We stayed friends, and still are today, even though we're married to different people."
— Tom, 35, New York, NY 
但,我們還是決定要在一起。 我幾乎每個周末都飛去找她,可在平常下班後我會跟我的朋友出去玩。
而我,卻一直只有跟我的女友在一起過,其他的經驗卻一點都沒有。 我突然覺得我錯過了許多!

Reason #5: He's moved on emotionally (他已經走向前了
"I met my ex in a Weight Watchers meeting, of all places. When we started dating, we were both about 50 pounds overweight. As the months went by, I took the program really seriously and quickly dropped weight. She didn't adhere to the program, and her weight didn't come off. After I lost the weight, I felt this new sense of confidence — women who had never spoken to me before began approaching me, and it felt great. My ex, on the other hand, was depressed about being heavy, and was always jealous of other women. One weekend when she was out of town, I met this gorgeous woman at my gym and we slept together. I never told my ex, but I did end up breaking up with her a few weeks after that incident. I've realized since then that I need to be with women who are on the same page as me about the things in my life that are important."
— Brad, 41, Houston, TX 
我和我前女友是在減肥中心認識的! 原本我們都是超重50磅,但我努力的減了下來,可她失敗了!

Reason #6: There's too much fighting (太多的爭吵與矛盾了)
"My ex and I used to live together, and we fought all the time. The constant tension made me miserable. In contrast to my ex, there was a girl at work who was easygoing, friendly and fun. One night we were both working late and ended up getting a drink together after we left. One thing led to another, and I ended up staying over at her place. As bad as this may sound, after that happened, I felt free. It was as if I finally had the courage to just end it with my ex already. When I came home the next morning, my ex went crazy, but for the first time, it didn't bother me, because I knew what I was going to do. I told her exactly what had happened and that I'd be moving out that week, and I did. I began seeing the girl from work, and we've been together for about four months now."
— Nate, 34, Boulder, CO 
我何我前女友本來是住在一起的,但我們常常吵架。 長久以來的tension讓我們很迷惘. 
某晚加班後,我們一起去喝酒,不知不覺的我去了她家並上了她的床。 事情就這樣發生了!
我終於有像他提出分手的勇氣了! 我跟她交代了前晚發生的事並決定了下星期就搬離住所。

Reason #7: He needs a shot of self-esteem (他的優越感需要短暫的充電)
"I'm really shy, and have never felt very comfortable approaching women. I once had a girlfriend who was just as shy as me. Our relationship was fine — nothing too exciting — but I was resigned to the fact that it was my best option. I went to a conference for business, and during one of the dinners, a really attractive, sexy woman at my table began hitting on me like mad. I was so shocked; nothing like that had ever happened to me before. It made my self-confidence skyrocket, and I felt on top of the world. She and I were together that night and a few other times during the conference. I never told my ex about what had happened, but I did end things with her a few months later. After the conference the other woman and I never saw each other again, but the experience gave me the confidence that I could go out and approach interesting, exciting women — I just needed that push."
— Charlie, 33, St. Louis, MO 
我整個人振驚了! 我從來沒有過這樣的經歷,這整個讓我充滿了自信心。 
我一直沒有跟我前女友說過這件事, 但我還是跟她分手了。 

 Reason #8: To fulfill a fantasy (去滿足他的幻想)
"I once cheated on my girlfriend of six months when a girl I had been pining over for quite some time came on to me. She had been with someone else for a long time, so I knew she was off-limits. I have to admit, I'd still probably do it again; it was like my fantasy finally came true. I broke up with my girlfriend and dated this girl for a while, but we didn't last. Sometimes, the fantasy is better than the reality!"
— Mark, 44, New York, NY

瀏覽次數:473    人氣指數:15153    累積鼓勵:734
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我愛銀時~go go 銀魂 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》  我是屬鑽石命~你屬於什麼命?
時間:2009-06-05 17:52
他, 49歲,台北市,法律相關行業
時間:2009-06-02 01:45
他, 26歲,桃園市,資訊
時間:2009-06-01 19:26
他, 49歲,台北市,法律相關行業
時間:2009-06-01 17:56
他, 50歲,台北市,資訊
時間:2009-06-01 09:13
他, 50歲,台北市,資訊
作者回覆說[2009-06-01 16:58]:


時間:2009-05-26 21:13
他, 49歲,台北市,法律相關行業
作者回覆說[2009-06-01 16:56]:


時間:2009-05-25 10:12
他, 43歲,新北市,資訊
作者回覆說[2009-06-01 16:55]:


時間:2009-05-25 00:44
他, 26歲,桃園市,資訊
作者回覆說[2009-06-01 16:54]:


時間:2009-05-23 01:53
她, 39歲,亞洲其他,流通/零售
作者回覆說[2009-05-23 14:35]:


時間:2009-05-23 00:19
他, 47歲,台中市,藝術
作者回覆說[2009-05-23 14:34]:


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